Welcome to our August 2013 Megabites Fishing Charter Newsletter. July has been great with the fishing and we are still hauling in some good fish far and wide. With the good Winter weather we have had so far, its hardly surprising why so many fishos are seen on the water each day.
The pressing topic at the moment is the Ministry of Primary Industries proposing to cut the recreational snapper quota and what this means to the whole recreational marine industry. This proposal could reduce our daily snapper limit from 9 per person to just 3. This newsletter focuses primarily on this important issue and what we could do to "save our Snapper".
In this newsletter:
What’s happening with the fishing? The Winter winds have lowered the water temperature to just under 14 degrees and this means the snapper have moved away into deeper water. The erratic behaviour and slow feeding patterns could be frustrating at times especially when you could see them on the sounder and they fail to come to the party.Lots of burley has been the key , mixed with a huge measure of patience. The back of the Noises and the 40 meter mark behind the Ahahs are still holding some good fish along with the reef and the drop off at these locations. Out at Tiri the fishing has been good and the same goes for the Firth in some of the holes and pins in the middle.
Save Our Snapper This has been every fisherman's concern ever since the proposal was initiated by the Ministry of Primary Industries to cut the recreational fishing quota. The so called long-awaited review on the Snapper 1 fishery, which includes the Hauraki Gulf, East Northland and Bay of Plenty, has been released. The review outlines three proposals that could see the recreational snapper limit slashed from nine to just three. The affects could be devastating for all those involved in recreational fishing. 
The 1st of October will see these proposed changes coming into effect unless the government is stopped. If these proposals are accepted then recreational fishers may see huge cuts to their bag limits yet the commercial operations don’t have any changes.
The public can express their views and make submissions on the proposals until August 23.
We all need to stand up and express our rights by way of a submission. If you don’t take the time to put in a submission then don’t complain on October 1st when the catch limit is reduced.
The easy way to put in a submission is go to this link and do it from there. It is made easy for you and only takes a few minutes to do. http://www.legasea.co.nz/sos
Your submission is important, so please take the time to have your say !
If you wish to know more about the Ministry of Primary Industries proposal please visit http://www.legasea.co.nz/snapper1.php
Great Fishing Deals: The $69 winter specials for a 8 hour fishing trip has been a huge success so far. Many of you have swapped up the offer and some of you have come on board and witnessed for yourselves what this offer is worth. We take you far and wide and on some occasions daily quotas were caught. The offer ends on the 15th of August 13 so get on to our website and grab your spot before the offer expires.
Thank you for your support !
Kind Regards Darell 0800 634 224 http://www.megabitesfishing.co.nz
Posted: Monday 5 August 2013